This past Friday, Kajijis got together to talk about how we define ourselves to the outside world. When a stranger at a party politely asks you, “So what do you do?”, how do you answer that question? And, better yet, how do they typically respond to your answer? After you tell them you’re a stay-at-home mom, do they have nothing else to say? Is there no polite inquiry into what motherhood entails for you? Do they not have you expound upon your answer in any way? Is there no answer that would pique a stranger’s interest and leave them wanting to know more? “Yes, I’m raising up the next generation of ecclesiastical theologizers.” or “Hi, I’m the high priestess of my temple.” or “I’m a keeper.”;-) Anyway, I found a blog on that addressed this very issue recently and wanted to share some with you below.
Titus 2:3-5 (NIV) - "Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home**, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God." **KJV = keepers at home
What happens to us when someone asks what we "do for a living"? Do we proudly step up and proclaim the pride we feel in fulfilling God's purpose for ourselves and let them know that we are Homemakers...wives, moms, homeschool teachers, keepers of our homes and all that the moniker implies? we shrink back, roll our shoulders in and meekly say, "Me? Oh, I'm JUST a homemaker."
"Excuse me?"
"Eh-hmmm. I'm just a homemaker."
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
WHY do we often feel like we should apologize for doing what God's will for our life is?! WHY do we feel that the only way we are to "make a difference" in the world is to cram ourselves into power suits, heels and face the anxiety of not only trying to stay employed but then trying to run our household as well? Been there, done that, got the stinkin' t-shirt!
What message are we sending to our daughters? That they should be ashamed or honored? Which message are they supposed to adhere that says, "Sorry, Honey, but your lot in life is to ONLY be a housewife and mom; oh, and if you want to, you can homeschool them, too"? OR one that says, "Oh, Honey! God has honored women by allowing us to not only have the privilege of creating life, but He has given us the gift of being the keeper of our homes and all that it entails!"
We know that it's not all roses and rainbows or June Cleaver doing her housework in a perfectly pleated dress, with pearls, make-up and sprayed hair. But what we do counts for far more than the "image" that the power suits imply. WE ARE the "hand that rocks the cradle" and WE DO influence the world!
How in the world did illusion get so far? Looking back from the distance of time, I can see where some of our problems with liberalism and feminism began to take root in our Baby Boomer generation…
I have the relationship with my daughters that my mom always dreamed of having with me, and all the while they are learning from me about the honor the LORD has bestowed upon women by allowing them to see in their father a man who longs to serve and follow the LORD. A man who sees part of that as being the major provider of his household and allowing me to live my God-given role as wife, mother and home-keeper.
This is SO exciting to me! No, I don't do housework in pretty pleated dresses, pearls, high heels, sprayed hair and mucho make-up; but I do get to make my house a home - a real haven of rest for my husband, a secure nest for my family and a welcome lighthouse of hope for our friends.
Now, isn't THAT a calling worth striving for? Worth preparing for? Worth feeling honored to live?
Next time someone asks you what you "do for a living," hold your head high and tell them proudly, "I've been honored by God to be a keeper of my home, and I'm training my daughters to do the same!"
Blessings from Ohio, Kim Wolf<><
This week we’ll be meeting at Raluca’s house. Our question for this week is: What is your view towards money? And how do you reconcile fulfilling your wants and desires with giving charitably to other people/causes? See you Friday morning!
How Can a Loving God also be a God of Wrath?
5 hours ago
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