Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Love, Your King

Dear Kajijis,
I have been trying to decide whether to continue the topic of “Simplicity” or if it’s time to start on a new subject. If you have any ideas at all, please forward them to me – I would love your help! For today I’ll just be including an excerpt from a little book called His Princess: Love Letters from Your King.

Come to Me, My precious, when you feel out of control and overextended. I want to take you to a place where you can be still and reflect on your life. I did not call you to be everything to everyone. You have placed that demand on yourself. Even My son, Jesus, needed to walk away from the demands of the crowd and find comfort alone with Me. Let’s write out what really matters most to you, so we can draw some boundaries to preserve your peace of mind and purpose for living. Even I drew the boundaries around the mighty ocean. It’s good to take control of your valuable time and realize it’s all right to say no. That one word will deliver you from a life of pressure to a place of amazing control and peace.

Your King who knows your boundaries1

Mark out a straight path for your feet; then stick to the path and stay safe.
Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.
~Proverbs 4:26-27

This Friday we’ll be meeting at Shawna’s house and discussing something a little bit more personal than our discussions over the past few weeks. Our questions for this week are, “How do you manage your monthly cycle and fertility planning? What products have you used (such as OTC meds, homeopathic remedies, family planning charts/software, etc.) that you’ve found helpful and could recommend?”2 Please RSVP to let me know whether we’ll see you on Friday.

Looking forward to it,

1 Pages 156-157 from His Princess written by Sheri Rose Shepherd
2 This is a great example of questions forwarded to me by group members – please feel free to submit any questions on any topic you may have. We will discuss just about anything! :-)

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